Fonts can be specified.
In the event Alexander does not have a specified font, we can purchase that font, if possible, for an additional charge or we will match the font as closely as possible.
If a font or color is not specified, all text will be set in Arial using black ink on light items or white ink on dark items.
For an exact duplication of text-based logos, we recommend an Adobe Illustrator® vector art file with text converted to curves/outlines.
$50G minimum for first 30 minutes.
An additional $50G per 30 minute increments.
Charges will vary with the complexity of the art and must be approved by the client before proceeding.
Alexander will keep all submitted artwork for two years.
Upon request, art will be returned.
Alexander uses the latest versions of Adobe Illustrator®, Photoshop® and Acrobat® in a PC-based production facility.
Other software files are accepted as long as the file is saved or exported as a true .eps file and not merely renamed as one.
Acceptable file formats include: .eps, .ai, .pdf and .cdr.
Vector art files should embed all high-resolution images and convert all text to curves/outline. If this is not possible, all image files, screen and printer fonts should be included with art.
Photoshop/full-color images/bitmap/.pdf files must be at least 300 dpi at 200 percent of actual size.
If compressing art is necessary, most .sit and .zip files can be uncompressed by Alexander. We cannot accept .sea files.Photoshop/full-color images/bitmap/.pdf files must be at least 300 dpi at 200 percent of actual size.
All art must specify PMS coated colors if applicable. Alexander does not use PMS uncoated colors in its printing methods.
Nongraphic programs like Microsoft Office® (i.e., Microsoft Word®, Microsoft PowerPoint®, etc.) will be returned as unacceptable art file formats as well as logos, images and text captured from the Web.
PC-formatted DVDs or CDs are accepted with a hard copy of the art for reference. E-mail art to orders@alexandermc.com and include distributor name, purchase order number and contact name in the subject line. Also, fax a hard copy to 1-800-391-2539 for a reference point.
$12G paper or e-mail proofs available prior to production.
Production timeline starts from proof approval.
Alexander promotional products are available with 21 different imprint ink colors at no additional charge.
If a color other than described below is needed, be certain to specify the PMS coated color number or name.
There is a $50G charge for a requested color that is not on the list shown here.

NOTE: Because of printing limitations and product color, PMS coated colors will be reproduced as close to the actual color as possible. Cannot match exact PMS colors on digitally printed items.